>xabsl   The Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language

XabslEngine Class Library Reference


Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
xabsl::ActionRepresents an action execution
xabsl::ActionBasicBehaviorRepresents an action execution
xabsl::ActionBehaviorRepresents an action execution
xabsl::ActionBooleanOutputSymbolRepresents an action execution, in this case a boolean output symbol assignment
xabsl::ActionDecimalOutputSymbolRepresents an action execution, in this case a decimal output symbol assignment
xabsl::ActionEnumeratedOutputSymbolRepresents an action execution, in this case an enumerated output symbol assignment
xabsl::ActionOptionRepresents an action execution
xabsl::AgentCombines some options to an agent
xabsl::AndOperatorRepresents an 'and' element of the option graph
xabsl::ArithmeticOperatorBase class for the +, -, *, / and operator
xabsl::Array< T >The class implements a dynamic array
xabsl::BasicBehaviorThe base class for basic behaviors that are used by the Engine
xabsl::BehaviorParent class for Option and BasicBehavior
xabsl::BooleanExpressionBase class for all boolean expressions inside an option graph
xabsl::BooleanInputSymbolRepresents a boolean input symbol of the Engine
xabsl::BooleanInputSymbolRefRepresents an 'boolean-input-symbol-ref' element of the option graph
xabsl::BooleanOptionParameterRefRepresents a reference to a decimal option parameter
xabsl::BooleanOutputSymbolRepresents a boolean output symbol of the Engine
xabsl::BooleanOutputSymbolRefRepresents a reference to a boolean input symbol
xabsl::BooleanValueRepresents a boolean value
xabsl::CapacityStateRepresents a state which can only be entered by at most the given number of agents simultaneously
xabsl::ConditionalDecimalExpressionRepresents an ANSI C (condition?expression:expression) question mark operator
xabsl::ConditionalEnumeratedExpressionRepresents an ANSI C (condition?expression:expression) question mark operator
xabsl::ConflictConditionRepresents an 'conflict' element of the option graph
xabsl::CoopStateRepresents a state which has features to connect to other cooperating agents
xabsl::DecimalExpressionBase class for all decimal expressions inside an option graph
xabsl::DecimalInputSymbolRepresents a decimal input symbol of the Engine
xabsl::DecimalInputSymbolRefRepresents a reference to a decimal input symbol
xabsl::DecimalOptionParameterRefRepresents a reference to a decimal option parameter
xabsl::DecimalOutputSymbolRepresents a decimal output symbol of the Engine
xabsl::DecimalOutputSymbolRefRepresents a reference to a decimal input symbol
xabsl::DecimalValueRepresents a decimal value
xabsl::DivideOperatorRepresents a / operator in the option graph
xabsl::EngineExecutes a behavior that was specified in the Xabsl language
xabsl::EnumElementRepresents an enum element that is part of an enumerated input or output symbol
xabsl::EnumeratedExpressionBase class for all enumerated expressions inside an option graph
xabsl::EnumeratedInputSymbolRepresents a enumerated input symbol of the Engine
xabsl::EnumeratedInputSymbolComparisonRepresents an 'enumerated-input-symbol-comparison' element of the option graph
xabsl::EnumeratedInputSymbolRefRepresents an 'enumerated-input-symbol-ref' element of the option graph
xabsl::EnumeratedOptionParameterRefRepresents a reference to a enumerated option parameter
xabsl::EnumeratedOutputSymbolRepresents a enumerated output symbol of the Engine
xabsl::EnumeratedOutputSymbolRefRepresents a reference to a enumerated input symbol
xabsl::EnumeratedValueRepresents a enumerated value
xabsl::EnumerationRepresents a list of enum elements
xabsl::EqualToOperatorRepresents an 'equal-to' element of the option graph
xabsl::ErrorHandlerA Engine helper class for handling errors and debug messages
xabsl::GreaterThanOperatorRepresents an 'greater-than' element of the option graph
xabsl::GreaterThanOrEqualToOperatorRepresents an 'greater-than-or-equal-to' element of the option graph
xabsl::IfElseBlockAn element of a decision tree that that contains of an if - (else-if) - else block
xabsl::InputSourceA Engine helper class for reading input data from files or from memory
xabsl::InputSymbol< T >A Template for the input symbol classes
xabsl::LessThanOperatorRepresents an 'less-than' element of the option graph
xabsl::LessThanOrEqualToOperatorRepresents an 'less-than-or-equal-to' element of the option graph
xabsl::MinusOperatorRepresents a - operator in the option graph
xabsl::ModOperatorRepresents a operator in the option graph
xabsl::MultiplyOperatorRepresents a * operator in the option graph
xabsl::NamedArray< T >The class implements a dynamic array
xabsl::NamedArrayElement< T >An element of an NamedArray
xabsl::NamedItemA class that has a text label
xabsl::NotEqualToOperatorRepresents an 'not-equal-to' element of the option graph
xabsl::NotOperatorRepresents an 'not' element of the option graph
xabsl::OptionRepresents a single option written in
xabsl::OptionParametersRepresents the current set of parameters of an option or basic behavior
xabsl::OrOperatorRepresents an 'or' element of the option graph
xabsl::OutputSymbol< T >A Template for the output symbol classes
xabsl::ParameterAssignmentRepresents the assignment of parameters of a subsequent basic behaviors or an option or an input symbol
xabsl::ParametersRepresents the current set of parameters of a behavior or an input symbol
xabsl::PlusOperatorRepresents a + operator in the option graph
xabsl::RelationalAndEqualityOperatorBase class for the operators <, <=, >, >=, == and !=
xabsl::StateRepresents a single state written in
xabsl::StatementAn element of a decision that that determines a transition to a state
xabsl::SubsequentOptionReachedTargetStateConditionRepresents an 'subsequent-option-reached-target-state' element of the option graph
xabsl::SymbolsHandles the symbols of the Engine
xabsl::SynchronizedStateRepresents a state which can only be entered by all agents simultaneously
xabsl::TeamMessageRepresents an incoming or outgoing message transmitted from/to other cooperating agents
xabsl::TimeRefRepresents a time-of-option-execution or time-of-state-execution element in the option graph
xabsl::TransitionToStateRepresents a transition to a state inside a decision tree

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