Option estimate_time_to_reach_ball_for_pass_challenge

Estimate the time to reach the ball, used for role assignment during pass challenge

State Machine

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The Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html

State not_at_ball

If that state is active,
 >  This decimal output symbol is set:
    strategy.estimated_time_to_reach_ball  = 
((vector.abs( (passing_challenge.position.x( game.player_number() ) - ball.position.field.x() ) , (passing_challenge.position.y( game.player_number() ) - ball.position.field.y() ) ) / 0.2) + (ball.time_since_last_seen() * 2))
The decision tree:
  This browser can't display the SVG file svg/option_estimate_time_to_reach_ball_for_pass_challenge_state_not_at_ball.svg.

The Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html
Pseudo code of the decision tree:
/** */
if ( strategy.ball_is_grabbed)
goto at_the_ball;

State at_the_ball

If that state is active,
 >  This decimal output symbol is set:
    strategy.estimated_time_to_reach_ball  = 
The decision tree:
  This browser can't display the SVG file svg/option_estimate_time_to_reach_ball_for_pass_challenge_state_at_the_ball.svg.

The Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html
Pseudo code of the decision tree:
/** */
if ( strategy.ball_is_grabbed)
goto at_the_ball;
goto not_at_ball;