Field Dimension Symbols

Symbols for accessing the field dimension

The formalized behavior references a variety of input and output symbols, which can stand for variables or functions of the agent's software. Constants are constant decimal values.

Input Symbols

NameTypeMeasureDescription / Parameters
field.ball_radiusdecimalThe radius of the ball
field.own_goal.xdecimalThe x position of the own goal
field.own_ground_line.xdecimalThe x position of the own groundline
field.opponent_ground_line.xdecimalThe x position of the opponent groundline
field.left_sideline.ydecimalThe y position of the left sideline
field.right_sideline.ydecimalThe y position of the right sideline
field.left_field_border.ydecimalThe y position of the left field border
field.right_field_border.ydecimalThe y position of the right field border
field.center_circle_radiusdecimalThe radius of the center circe
field.own_penalty_area.xdecimalThe x position of the own penalty area
field.opponent_penalty_area.xdecimalThe x position of the opponent penalty area
field.left_penalty_area.ydecimalThe y position of the left penalty area
field.right_penalty_area.ydecimalThe y position of the right penalty area