>xabsl   The Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language

The XabslMakefile

# XabslMakefile
# Generates the documentation and intermediate code for a Xabsl project.
# author: Martin Loetzsch, Max Risler
# This Makefile should be included into a custom Makefile inside the directory, where the Xabsl sources are.
# Inside this custom Makefile these Variables have to be set:
# All paths are relative to the source files and the custom Makefile.
# AGENTS_FILE:            File containing agent definitions
# SOURCES:                List of all XABSL source files
# XABSL_OUTPUT_DIR:       Directory where the intermediate code shall be generated
# XABSL_TEMP_DIR:         Directory where XABSL compiler will store temporary files
# INTERMEDIATE_CODE:      The filename of the intermediate code to be generated
# DEBUG_SYMBOLS:          The filename of the debug symbols to be generated
# XML_OUTPUT_DIR:         Directory where the xml files should be generated
# DOC_OUTPUT_DIR:         Directory for the documentation output
# XABSL_COMPILER_DIR:     Directory which contains the Xabsl compiler
# XABSL_COMPILER_OPTIONS: Additional optional parameters for the XABSL compiler
# XSLT:                   An XSLT processor that can process XInclude statements (with necessary parameters)
# DOT:                    Path of the dot tool
# DOTML_DIR:              Directory that contains the DotML Schemas and XSLT stylesheets
# XABSL_XSL_DIR:          Directory which contains the Xabsl XSLT Stylesheets

# General documentation output files

# Documentation XSLT Stylesheets
DOC_INDEX_XSL    = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.index.xsl
DOC_MENU_XSL     = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.menu.xsl
DOC_SYMBOLS_XSL  = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.symbols.xsl
DOC_SYMBOLS_INDEX_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.symbols-index.xsl
DOC_AGENTS_XSL    = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.agents.xsl
DOC_BASIC_BEHAVIORS_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.basic-behaviors.xsl
DOC_BASIC_BEHAVIOR_INDEX_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.basic-behavior-index.xsl
DOC_OPTION_XSL   = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.option.xsl
DOC_OPTION_INDEX_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.option-index.xsl
DOC_OPTION_TREE_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.option-tree.xsl
DOC_PSEUDO_CODE_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.pseudo-code.xsl
DOC_PARAMETERS_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-documentation.parameters.xsl
REMOVE_COMMENTS_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/remove-comments.xsl

# XSLT Stylesheet for debug symbols
DEBUG_SYMBOLS_XSL = $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/generate-debug-symbols.xsl

# XML output files
XML_SYMBOL_FILES          := $(shell bash -c "shopt -s nullglob;echo $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/Symbols/*.xml")
XML_BASIC_BEHAVIOR_FILES  := $(shell bash -c "shopt -s nullglob;echo $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/BasicBehaviors/*.xml")
XML_OPTION_FILES          := $(shell bash -c "shopt -s nullglob;echo $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/Options/*.xml")
XML_FILES = $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/options.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/symbol-and-basic-behavior-files.dtd $(XML_SYMBOL_FILES) $(XML_BASIC_BEHAVIOR_FILES) $(XML_OPTION_FILES)

# Documentation output files
DOC_SYMBOL_FILES         = $(shell echo $(XML_SYMBOL_FILES)         |sed "s%[^ ]*/%%g;s%\([^ ]*\)\.xml%$(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/symbols.\1.html%g")
DOC_BASIC_BEHAVIOR_FILES = $(shell echo $(XML_BASIC_BEHAVIOR_FILES) |sed "s%[^ ]*/%%g;s%\([^ ]*\)\.xml%$(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/basic-behaviors.\1.html%g")
DOC_OPTION_FILES         = $(shell echo $(XML_OPTION_FILES)         |sed "s%[^ ]*/%%g;s%\([^ ]*\)\.xml%$(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/option.\1.html%g")

# Generate intermediate code, documentation

# Some shortcuts for common targets:

rebuild: clean
	@make all

# Removes the documentation output directory, the intermediate code, the xml output directory and temp directory.	
	@rm -f $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/xabsl.*.dump
	@rm -rf $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)
	@rm -rf $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)

# Shortcuts for intermediate code and debug symbols
DS :
	@make -s XML

# Generate intermediate code
	@echo compiling to intermediate code $(XABSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(INTERMEDIATE_CODE)
#	@make -s -C $(XABSL_COMPILER_DIR)

# Call xabsl compiler for generating xml code
# Since there is an unknown number of source files this step is always done
	@echo compiling to xml output in $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)
#	@make -s -C $(XABSL_COMPILER_DIR)

	@mkdir -p $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/Symbols
	@mkdir -p $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/Options
	@mkdir -p $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/BasicBehaviors
	@for xmlfile in `find $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new -type f -printf %P\\\\n`; do \
    if test -f $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$xmlfile; then \
      if test -n "$$(diff $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/$$xmlfile $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$xmlfile)"; then \
        mv -f $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/$$xmlfile $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$xmlfile; \
      fi; \
    else \
      mv $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/$$xmlfile $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$xmlfile; \
    fi; \
	@rm -rf $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new
$(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml: $(XML_FILES) \
	@if test -f $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml; then rm -f $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml; fi
	@echo generating `pwd`/$(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@$(XSLT) -o $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml $(REMOVE_COMMENTS_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xml
# Generates a intermediate xml file for the option trees of all options
$(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml: $(DOC_OPTION_TREE_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) -o $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/option-tree.xml $(DOC_OPTION_TREE_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@if test -f $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml; then \
    if test -n "$$(diff $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/option-tree.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml)"; then \
      mv -f $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/option-tree.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml; \
    fi; \
  else \
    mv $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new/option-tree.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml; \
	@rm -rf $(XABSL_TEMP_DIR)/new

# Generate documentation in two steps, first generate xml output, next generate html files
# Building in separate steps is necessary since first step generates files needed by second
	@make -s XML
	@make -s HTML

# Documenation needs and output directory, the .css file, and index pages and a page for each symbols, basic-behaviors, and options file.
      $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/svg \
      $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml \
      $(DOC_STYLES_CSS) \
      $(DOC_INDEX_HTML) \
      $(DOC_AGENTS_HTML) \

# Generic rule for symbol documentation
$(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/symbols.%.html: $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/Symbols/%.xml $(DOC_MENU_XSL) $(DOC_SYMBOLS_XSL)
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) -o $@ $(DOC_SYMBOLS_XSL) $<
# Generic rule for option documentation
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) --path $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR) --stringparam option-tree-xml option-tree.xml -o $@.temp $(DOC_OPTION_XSL) $<
	@$(XSLT) -o $@ $(DOTML_DIR)/embed-svg-graphics.xsl $@.temp
	@DOTML_DIR=$(DOTML_DIR) DOT=$(DOT) DOTML_XSLT="$(XSLT) (XSL) (INPUT)" $(DOTML_DIR)/generate-svg-graphics.bash $@.temp $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)
	@rm $@.temp

# Generic rule for basic behavior documentation
$(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/basic-behaviors.%.html: $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/BasicBehaviors/%.xml $(DOC_MENU_XSL) $(DOC_BASIC_BEHAVIORS_XSL) $(DOC_PARAMETERS_XSL)
	@echo generating $@
# Generates the index page
$(DOC_INDEX_HTML): $(DOC_MENU_XSL) $(DOC_INDEX_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) -o $(DOC_INDEX_HTML) $(DOC_INDEX_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml

# Generates the option index page
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) --path $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR) --stringparam option-tree-xml option-tree.xml -o $@.temp $(DOC_OPTION_INDEX_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/options.xml
	@$(XSLT) -o $@ $(DOTML_DIR)/embed-svg-graphics.xsl $@.temp
	@DOTML_DIR=$(DOTML_DIR) DOT=$(DOT) DOTML_XSLT="$(XSLT) (XSL) (INPUT)" $(DOTML_DIR)/generate-svg-graphics.bash $@.temp $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)
	@rm $@.temp

# Generates the agent index page
$(DOC_AGENTS_HTML): $(DOC_AGENTS_XSL) $(DOC_MENU_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/option-tree.xml $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) --path $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR) --stringparam option-tree-xml option-tree.xml -o $@.temp $(DOC_AGENTS_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@$(XSLT) -o $@ $(DOTML_DIR)/embed-svg-graphics.xsl $@.temp
	@DOTML_DIR=$(DOTML_DIR) DOT=$(DOT) DOTML_XSLT="$(XSLT) (XSL) (INPUT)" $(DOTML_DIR)/generate-svg-graphics.bash $@.temp $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)
	@rm $@.temp

# Generates the basic behavior index page
	@echo generating $@

# Generates the symbols index page
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) -o $(DOC_SYMBOLS_INDEX_HTML) $(DOC_SYMBOLS_INDEX_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml

# Generates the debug symbols
$(XABSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(DEBUG_SYMBOLS): $(DEBUG_SYMBOLS_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml
	@echo generating $@
	@$(XSLT) -o $(XABSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(DEBUG_SYMBOLS) $(DEBUG_SYMBOLS_XSL) $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)/agents.xinclude-processed.xml

# Copies documentation.css to the documentation output directory
$(DOC_STYLES_CSS): $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/documentation.css
	@cp $(XABSL_XSL_DIR)/documentation.css $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/styles.css

# Generates the output directory for intermediate code
	@mkdir -p $(XABSL_OUTPUT_DIR)

# Generates the output directory for xml code
	@mkdir -p $(XML_OUTPUT_DIR)

# Generates the output directory for documentation
	@mkdir -p $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)
# The path where the SVG graphics generated for the documentation of options and agents are stored.
	@mkdir -p $(DOC_OUTPUT_DIR)/svg