>xabsl   The Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language

What is XABSL?

The Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language XABSL is a very simple language to describe behaviors for autonomous agents based on hierarchical finite state machines. XABSL was developed to design the behavior of soccer robots. Behaviors specified in XABSL proved to be very successful during RoboCup since 2004. The GermanTeam has won the competitions in the Standard Platform League (using Sony Aibo robots) in 2004, 2005, and 2008. The Darmstadt Dribblers have won the Humanoid Kid Size competition in 2009 and 2010. However, the usage of the language is not restricted to robotic soccer. XABSL is a good choice to describe behaviors for all kinds of autonomous robots or virtual agents like characters in computer games.



M. Risler. Behavior Control for Single and Multiple Autonomous Agents Based on Hierarchical Finite State Machines. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 10: Informatik/Kommunikation, No. 801, Darmstadt, VDI-Verlag, 2009.    [bibtex]

M. Risler and O. von Stryk. Formal Behavior Specification of Multi-Robot Systems Using Hierarchical State Machines in XABSL. In AAMAS08-Workshop on Formal Models and Methods for Multi-Robot Systems, Estoril, Portugal, 2008.    [bibtex]

M. Lötzsch, M. Risler, and M. Jüngel. XABSL - A Pragmatic Approach to Behavior Engineering. In Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 5124-5129, Beijing, China, 2006.    [bibtex]

M. Lötzsch. XABSL - A Behavior Engineering System for Autonomous Agents. Diploma thesis. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2004.    [bibtex]

M. Lötzsch, J. Bach, H.-D. Burkhard, and M. Jüngel. Designing Agent Behavior with the Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language XABSL. In D. Polani, B. Browning, and A. Bonarini, editors, RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, volume 3020 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 114-124, Padova, Italy, 2004. Springer.    [bibtex]

What do you need to use XABSL for your agent?

To start using XABSL for your agent you need only three things:

  • A text editor of your choice
  • The XABSL-Compiler (ruby-based)
  • The XabslEngine (C++ or Java library)

The behavior is described by a set of .xabsl files. These have to be compiled to an intermediate code using the XABSL-Compiler. At the start-up of the agent this intermediate code is read by the XabslEngine which executes the behavoirs during run-time.

How to describe behaviors with XABSL?

In XABSL complex behaviors are described as hierarchical finite state machines. To use XABSL, you have to know four concepts: Agents, options, states and decision trees.


In XASBL, an agent consists of a number of behavior modules called options. The options are ordered in a rooted directed acyclic graph, the option graph.


Options are behavior modules which make up the hierarchical decomposition of the complex agent behavior. Lower hierarchy levels consist of primitives behaviors which are composed into more complex behavior options.


Each option is a finite state machine. The states of an option define the actions that are active. The actions of a state can reference other options, thus allowing the decomposition of a task into primitive options.

Decision Trees

The state transitions are defined by decision trees. Decision trees can reference input symbols in order to access input data such as the agent's world state or sensory data.

How does it work?

your need a SVG viewer installed to view the file option-graph.svg.

The chart to the right shows the option graph of a simple goalie behavior. Boxes denote options, ellipses denote basic behaviors. Basic behaviors represent available basic skills. The edges show which other option or basic behavior can be activated from within an option.

The task of the option graph is to activate and parameterize one of the basic behaviors, which is then executed. Beginning from the root option, each active option has to activate and parameterize another option on a lower level in the graph or a basic behavior.

your need a SVG viewer installed to view the file figs/state-machine.svg.

Within options, the activation of behaviors on lower levels is done by state machines. Each state has any number of subsequent options basic behaviors. Note that there can be several states that have the same subsequent option or basic behavior.

The chart to the right shows the internal state machine of the option "goalie-playing". Circles denote states, the circle with the two horizontal lines denotes the initial state. An edge between two states indicates that there is at least one transition from one state to the other. The dashed edges show which other option or basic behavior becomes activated when the corresponding state is active.

Each option has an initial state. This state becomes activated when the option was not active during the last execution of the option graph. Additionally, states can be declared as target states. In the options above it can be queried if the subsequent option reached such a target state. This helps to check if a behavior was successful.

Additionally, each state can set special requests (output symbols), that influence the information processing besides the actions that are generated from the basic behaviors.

your need a SVG viewer installed to view the file figs/decision-tree.svg.

Each state has a decision tree with transitions to other states at the leaves. For the decisions the agent's world state, other sensory information and messages from other agents can be used. As timing is often important, the time how long the state is already active and the time how long the option is already active can be taken into account.

The chart to the right shows the decision tree of the state "get-to-ball". The leaves of the tree are transitions to other states. The dashed circle denotes a transition to the current state.

The execution of the option graph starts from the root option of the agent. For each option the state machine is carried out once, the decision tree of the active state is executed to determine the next active state. This is continued for the subsequent options of the active state.

your need a SVG viewer installed to view the file figs/activation-tree.svg.

During behavior execution, the options and basic behaviors that are activated at a specific time step form a rooted tree which is a subtree of the option graph, the so called option activation tree. The diagram to the right shows an example option graph from a simple two-player robot soccer behavior. It depicts the decomposition of the task of playing soccer into several options and a basic behavior. Boxes represent options, ellipses represent basic behaviors. The edges show which options might get activated from another option. The highlighted options, basic behaviors and edges show an example of a possible option activation tree, showing which behaviors are activated during one specific time step.

Agents following this layered state machine architecture can be completely described in XABSL. There are language elements for options, their states, and their decision trees. Boolean logic (||, &&, !, ==, !=, <, <=, > and >=) and simple arithmetic operators (+, -, *, / and %) can be used for conditional expressions. Custom arithmetic functions (e.g. distance-to(x, y)) that are not part of the language can be easily defined and used in instance documents.

Symbols are defined in XABSL instance documents to formalize the interaction with the software environment. Interaction means access to input functions and variables (e. g. from the world state) and to output functions (e. g. to set requests for other parts of the information processing). For each variable or function that shall be used for conditions a symbol has to be defined. This makes the XABSL architecture and programming language independent from specific software environments and platforms.

As basic behaviors are implemented externally, prototypes and parameter definitions have to be specified in an XABSL document so that states can reference them.


@MISC{ loetzsch04diplomathesis,
   author  = {  Martin Lötzsch },
   title  = {  {XABSL} - A Behavior Engineering System for Autonomous Agents },
   howpublished  = {  Diploma thesis. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin },
   year  = {  2004 },
   note  = {  Available online: http://www.martin-loetzsch.de/papers/diploma-thesis.pdf } }

@INPROCEEDINGS{ loetzsch04xabsl,
   author  = {  Martin Lötzsch and Joscha Bach and Hans-Dieter Burkhard and Matthias Jüngel },
   title  = {  Designing Agent Behavior with the Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language {X}{A}{B}{S}{L} },
   pages  = {  114--124 },
   booktitle  = {  RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII },
   year  = {  2004 },
   editor  = {  Daniel Polani and Brett Browning and Andrea Bonarini },
   series  = {  Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence },
   volume  = {  3020 },
   publisher  = {  Springer },
   address  = {  Padova, Italy } }

@INPROCEEDINGS{ loetzsch06xabsl,
   author  = {  Martin Lötzsch and Max Risler and Matthias Jüngel },
   title  = {  {XABSL} - {A} Pragmatic Approach to Behavior Engineering },
   pages  = {  5124--5129 },
   booktitle  = {  Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) },
   year  = {  2006 },
   address  = {  Beijing, China } }

@INPROCEEDINGS{ risler08xabsl,
   author  = {  Max Risler and Oskar von Stryk },
   title  = {  Formal Behavior Specification of Multi-Robot Systems Using Hierarchical State Machines in {XABSL} },
   booktitle  = {  AAMAS08-Workshop on Formal Models and Methods for Multi-Robot Systems },
   year  = {  2008 },
   address  = {  Estoril, Portugal } }

@PHDTHESIS{ risler09phdthesis,
   author  = {  Max Risler },
   title  = {  Behavior Control for Single and Multiple Autonomous Agents Based on Hierarchical Finite State Machines },
   year  = {  2009 },
   number  = {  801 },
   month  = {  May 15 },
   publisher  = {  VDI Verlag },
   series  = {  Reihe 10: Informatik/Kommunikation},
   type  = {  Fortschritt-Berichte VDI},
   school  = {  Technische Universität Darmstadt },
   url  = {  http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/2046 } }